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Thank you Randy

Six months ago Randy Starkman came up to Algonquin Park for an interview with me at my little cabin. We finished up with the questions early so I invited him to stay for a little while.  We sat on my little crooked dock, drank a coffee and had a bowl of the previous night's beef stew that I warmed up for us over the fire. We had a great time together, just chatting and shootin' the breeze about anything and nothing for a few hours in Ontario's most famous provincial park. Randy didn't just write about amateur sport, he truly loved it. He was a steadfast devotee. He loved us, and we loved him right back. Randy went out for a paddle with his camera afterwards. I wish I took him up on the invitation to paddle around with him. I had some painting to do, so I passed. I regret that now, the painting could have waited.

He encouraged me to write more when I told him I really enjoyed tapping away on the keyboard. He read our little athlete blogs religiously, and we, the athlete community, never missed one of his articles. I'll often pick up the Star just to flip to the middle of the sports section to see what he was on about. He was our fan, our colleague and our friend. My hands are shaking and there are tears streaming down my face, but I feel like the best and only way for me to say "Thank You Randy", for your over 25 year commitment to us, is to write about it.

We've lost a dear friend, Randy was truly like family to so many of us.  My thoughts and condolences are with the Starkman family, his wife Mary and daughter Ella.

Thank You Randy. You will be so dearly missed by everyone. 


Reader Comments (7)

A great tribute Adam. A very sad day in sportswriting community.
April 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJames Mirtle
Wonderful tribute, Adam. Very sad and shocking. Condolences to Randy's family and friends.
April 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDon Landry
Very well said Adam. Randy had such incredible respect for the athletes he covered as well as the ideals they would fought for and you're an example of both. It came through in his writing and returned to him by both the athletes and those like myself that could see his dedication in his work. He's left a great legacy for those in the Canadian sports media to live up to.
April 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNevin French
Great story Adam. The Canadian Amateur Athlete lost a huge advocate and story teller.
We will miss him.

Go for Gold in London and RIP Randy.
April 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJulian Back
Touching tribute. Condolences to his family and friends.

RIP Randy Starkman
April 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVictor Carneiro
Thank you so much Adam; what a beautiful tribute to our Randy. No wonder he loved writing about you. Randy had such a great time interviewing you in Algonquin Park ... and some of our favourite pictures of him - ever - were taken during his visit with you. We'll keep this piece of writing forever. Thank you!
Mary (Mrs. Randy) and Ella (Fabulous Kid)
April 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary Hynes
Adam, thank you for this great tribute to my wonderful brother. Our family offers congratulations for your fabulous result at the World Kayak in Moscow and wishes you continued success up to and including the Olympics. Randy would be thrilled with today's result.
Laurie Starkman (Randy's brother)
June 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie Starkman

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